Assemble Your Team
Coming Soon.
We are currently shortlisting freelance applicants and quality checking their work examples. If you would like to register your application either as a customer or a freelancer, please fill the form below.
We are seeking A.I. Prompt Engineering innovators who can demonstrate an ethical approach to consultation.
What's in it for you
Find the Right Person for the Job - A.I. Marketing NZ helps businesses to easily find the right person for the job. We quality control the work of our network of freelancers so that businesses can be sure they are getting the best talent.
Our platform showcases all of our team's work, skills, websites, port folio and social channels. Research all freelancer port folios in a single space, as proper due diligence before making a decision.
Our team can be hired on an hourly rate for advice, or can quote on any small project brief.
Find a Prompt Engineer
Any searchable website content, and automated elements within digital platforms must be created with A.I. as inspiration only. Bad A.I. web copy will be punished by Google.
The best thing businesses can do right now is to build as much relevant, human-written, and detailed product and service information on your website. This will form the best resource library for when full A.I. "code of best practices" is firmly established.

Benefits for Businesses
A.I. Marketing NZ helps businesses to save time and resources.
With our platform, businesses can quickly and easily find the perfect A.I. freelancer for the job.
Our showcase pages provide you all the information to make an informed decision, including websites, youtube channels, etc as an resource for business research.
You spend less time and resources searching for the right person.

Benefits for Freelancers
Gain Exposure and Connect Independently with Potential Clients
A.I. Marketing NZ give you a full digital art-gallery, to showcase all your work. You can connect with others in similar spaces and share ideas and help on projects.
We provide a platform is also a great way for businesses to see your full body of work, in all its glory - in order to make a decision.
You to connect with the right people and get the best opportunities for your skills and talent.
Prompt Engineer Jobs
You don't need to work for a fancy marketing agency to build your career, if you are a proven innovator, we would like a chat.
If you have at least 6 months experience in your respective field, and can demonstrate your chops using A.I. - Send us through some stuff and we can start a conversation.
Learn more by clicking the link below, or simply submit your application below.